Sep 30, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

This was my best week so far! I think I'm finally getting to that "I'm ready to do this" stage as eating healthily didn't seem to be such a nightmare this week as it had been previously. I was even able to resist the many temptations of cake, cookies, brownies, candy, etc. at a baby shower this weekend! You cannot imagine how impressed I am with myself about this - I have NO will power. My will power starts and ends at the grocery store. I have the will power NOT to buy things I know that I do not have the will power to not eat once they are at my house - chips, candy, chocolate, etc. Thus, why I have a "cheat day" that allows me to eat some of these things without guilt so that I'm not neglecting my "fun" side. :) I always elect my weigh-in day as my cheat day as this gives me a whole week to get skinny before having to weigh myself again (totally makes sense if you ask me)! Exercise didn't go to well this week as the weather's been fairly crappy. On the days that it was sunny, I walked as usual but we had a few rainy days this week that kept me inside. I had Dan download me the Core Rhythms DVDs - basically a salsa-dance inspired series of exercise videos. They look great and are only like 30 mins each which is ideal. I will give them a try one of these days but with Jane only having a few short naps a day now, it's hard to use that time for exercise when I need it for other things - cleaning, blogging, RELAXING, catching up on my shows, etc. ha ha ha. Priorities I guess. I realize it's my picture week this week, but I didn't get around to taking the front/side view pics... here's one from Sunday with my little sweetie. I'll do it next time, I promise!

Here are my stats this week:

Starting weight: 157 lbs

Current weight: 153 lbs

Pounds lost: 4 lbs

Pounds to lose: 16 lbs (that's almost 15, which seems like so much less than 20!!)

Jill did great as well this week - attributing her weight loss to her busyness with juggling a new job and her sweetie Jeremiah!

Here are Jill's stats this week:

Starting weight: 218 lbs

Current weight: 215 lbs

Pounds lost: 3 lbs YIPEE

Pounds to lose: 35 lbs

We're both very close to the 5lbs lost marker - which is awesome. Those first few pounds are always the hardest and then the motivation really kicks in. Five pounds is not really noticeable to the naked eye but you can feel it yourself - in your jeans, usually! ha ha ha. And if you were to lift a 5 lbs dumbell, there's some weight in that! That's significant!

Jen :)

PS - As my Facebook status says, "here's our plan for the day:
bouncing, walking, bouncing, dancing, napping, bouncing, walking, cleaning, bouncing, napping, cooking, bouncing, bathing, sleeping". tee hee hee. :p

PPS - If anyone didn't share their story yesterday on how they told their hubby they were preggers, do it up! Even if it's not a "story", just tell us how it all unfolded! I loved hearing about it yesterday!

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Mama Kayla said...

I also am trying to lose weight! I've lost 21 pounds in 7 weeks and this is the last week of my competition. Doesn't it feel great?!

Samantha said...

Yay Jen! You had a super week! You'll be my inspiration once I'm in post-baby weight loss mode!